Friday, February 14, 2020

Yesod: Foundation – Connection Between Giver and Receiver

Yesod, foundation, unites Emanator and recipient, connecting all of the other sephirot with Malkhut.

 Yesod blends, channels, and receives light from all the sephirot above it, so that their emanations can issue forth to the creation.


  1. Virtues: Independence
    Vices: Idleness
    Acquisitions: Greater sense of true independence and confidence; greater intuition and psychic ability; mental and emotional health;dream work; understanding and recognition of the tides of change.
    Magical Powers: Vision of Machinery of Universe
    Healing Energies: Breasts, lungs, ovaries, stomach, menstruation, all emotional-based illnesses.
    Archangels: Gabriel
    Music: C
    Color Candles & Fragrances: color violet, honeysuckle, myrtle, lavender

  2. The vehicle that allows movement between one thing or condition to another(power of connection
    Place of the unconscious mind
    Place of pre-thought
    Gives power to the soul to connect, contact and communicate with outer reality
    Foundation of other generations to come--the procreation organ of males and the womb of females

  3. Affirmation to activate the Key:


    I renew and evolve through the cycle of life.

    Connected to the second chakra and the genital area.

  4. Foundation / The righteous is the foundation of thr world - it is here that a new era begins and the old one ends
    color - Violet
    divine name - Shaddai El Chai - meaning Almighty Living God
    Archangel - Gabriel meaning God is my Strength
    Angelic choir - kerubim meaning Angels
    Scent - Jasmine
    metal - silver
    stone quartz
    creature - elephant
    plant- comfrey
    geometric symbol - enneagram

  5. Base Chakra

    Mooladhara Chakra (Base); Yesod

    “The Sanskrit word moola means ‘root or foundation’ and that is precisely what this chakra is. Mooladhara is at the root of the chakra system and its influences are at the root of our whole existence. In tantra, Mooladhara is the seat of kundalini, the basis from which the possibility of higher realization arises.”

    The ordinary ego-mind of Yesod works and runs our lives more or less automatically. It is not until one takes steps towards spiritual development that this chakra awakens and its functions become conscious, which can be a painful experience.

    “All the passions are stored in Mooladhara, all the guilt, every complex and every agony has its root in Mooladhara chakra. It is so important for everybody to awaken this chakra and get out of it. Our lower karmas are embedded there, as in lower incarnations, one’s whole being is founded on the sexual personality.”

    The awakening of any chakra is rarely a sudden event. It may take several years or lifetimes. In order to move on from Mooladhara, one has to clear the barrier of ignorance, egocentricity, attachment to physical pleasures and material objects.
